Our origin can be found in sound and goes further than only pushing faders up.
We see sound as an integral part of the show and should follow its dynamics.
With a location being a bar, venue or outdoor festival, we always go for a professional and optimal result. We’re able to provide the necessary gear but can also make use of the already present installation.
You can hire us as sound engineer whereby we can use our in-house basic-gear.
More comprehensive installation would fit as well. In that case we’ll take care of the communication with the appropriate rental company.

Lighting is an essential part of a live event. It’s already possible to setup a good base with only a couple of simple lights.
But the possibilities are endless. With the technique from today it’s possible to transform even the smallest stage into an astonishing arena experience.
As a lighting engineer we’ll provide you with a custom lighting plan which perfectly fits the location and ambiance.
We will not be held back by a small stage with minimal possibilities. We always go for the maximum result.

Technical production
With the current digital possibilities, a show no longer consists only of sound and light. You see a lot of video projection, show automation and backing tracks with big bands and acts these days. Yet with modern technology this has become very accessible for the non / semi-professional musician.
LiveTech Productions has the knowledge and experience to add these new elements to the show. From a simple setup with only click track and backing tracks to shows with synchronized video, effects and synthesizers. Always fitting within the wishes, possibilities and budget.